The Russian Revolution: Ten Things to Know.
Ingenious methods on a Wednesday : big numbers, wrestling, chess, roots of Elvis.
How to teach reading (plus two things successful kids this generation need to learn really, really well).
I’m in a great mood, but this is very important : 11 observations from a High School History class.
EDUCATION, HISTORY, CITIZENRYJoseph Longschool 2022-23, 2023, education & learning thoughts, history-American history, 1600s, 1700s, citizenship, grade-10th, teaching, history-modern, day-Thursday, big events
How to help your kids help (A Friday; one piece of advice for parents, plus dangerous ponds and deadly costumes ).
I deposited their bodies (schooling on a Wednesday - conflict resolution, letting go of credit, tick...tick...BOOM!, Rube Goldberg, James Joyce's 'Evelyn,' pranks gone right).
A Wednesday : Mandatory independence, Naaman, early literacy, Golden Shovel poetry, Speech Sounds, musical theater, Filmmaking 101 lectures.
ELA, SUMMARYJoseph Long2022, school 2022-23, religion-Bible, homeschool, grade-kindergarten, 05, subject-poetry, ELA-literature, recommendation-short story
Italian Renaissance Crash Course : Ten Things to Know.
“Hi boys and girls…” : thoughts on motivational speaking to children today.
EDUCATIONJoseph Longschool 2022-23, observations, tips, teaching, 2022, day-Thursday, Character-attention, celebrity, advice, subject-public speaking
Here we are in the age of boundaried chaos (13th Amendment, chaos & carnage & forts, Dorothy Parker & kitties).
30 observations and ideas for teaching a Middle School Science class.
The crumbly truth of stepping in for one another.
Warning: you might start to like math!
The surprising benefits of celebrating your anniversary in this manner.
Chomsky in bed (a Wednesday).
Six thoughts on a first day of school.
Christianity Ch. 10 : "Paul, non-Jewish Christianity, modern times"
Christianity Ch. 09 : "The Passing"
Christianity Ch. 08 : "The Garden"
Christianity Ch. 07 : "The greatest of these is ____"