A Wednesday (favorite things and other ridiculous matters).
The most important asset you have is either Time or Bitcoin.
SUMMARY, HISTORY, EDUCATIONJoseph Longa day in the life, day-Tuesday, subject-mathematics, grade-8th, school 2023-24, subject-government, teaching, subject-economics, quotes
What makes us soar (morning music, David’s BFFs, 6-year old reading, Raymond Carver & the Bible, Shostakovich).
EDUCATION, SUMMARY, RELIGION, MUSICJoseph Longhomeschool, day-Wednesday, 2023, school 2022-23, recommendation-short story, recommendations, music-Modern period, music-musicians, religion-Bible, 1000s BC, Character-friendship, Character-trust, grade-kindergarten, Character-curiosity, education & learning thoughts, 1980s, 1981, religion-Judaism, religion-Christianity, quotes, grade-10th, grade-7th, Character-honesty, 20th century, work
Six thoughts on a first day of school.
A Wednesday : My impatience, Zoroastrianism, A Winter’s Tale, Barba tenus sapientes, No True Scotsman.
I am not Inigo Montoya (A Friday : faith, science, maths, maths, naps, bridges, Norwegian prisons).
SCIENCE, SUMMARY, RELIGIONJoseph Longday-Friday, subject-mathematics, school 2022-23, religion-Christianity, religion, grade-7th, recommendation-short story, quotes
A Wednesday : Weakness of strength, radicals, Degas, ad hominem, sharpshooters.