Parts of Speech


An adjective is a word used to describe a noun.

E.g. sharp, fluffy, warm, dry, expensive, funny, fast, huge, etc…


An adverb is a word that describes how something is done. They are similar to adjectives, but they describe verbs instead of nouns.

Often they end in ly.

E.g. quickly, gently, noisily, kindly, carefully, angrily, etc.


Three special words that can be used before a noun

A, an, the


Joins words, phrases, or clauses together

And, or, so, as, however, because


Emphasizes an exclamation or remark at the end of a sentence

Yes! Whoa! Hooray!


A noun is a word used to name a thing, a person, a place etc

Often, it is something that you can put the word ‘the’ in front of. 

E.g. (for example)...chair, person, house, weather, moon, river, plate,  etc… 


Shows how a noun or pronoun is related to another word in a sentence

In, with, from, without, to, on, above


Takes the place of a noun

He, she, her, it, they


A verb is a ‘doing word’. It is a word that describes what someone or something is doing. 

E.g. run, spin, sleep, jump, fall, climb, draw, watch, swim, etc.