Browse lists by category

3/2022 - in process, thank you!

These are simply links to facts that may be helpful or relevant in different areas of study and learning. Yes, you can find these many other places on the Internet. The following is my curated list of what I think is beneficial to learn, embed, and yes, memorize in many cases as part of an interconnected-learning root system.

Knowledge of these lists and the facts contained will not make you smart. In and of themselves, they are nothing more than trivia. But as a foundation, or as I prefer, a root system for giving basic abilities to understand the discipline or areas we’re studying…they’re valuable as we try and connect ideas and make meaning out of disparate information.

I will be blogging and writing more extensively about some of these areas. In the meantime, perhaps you’ll find some of these cold hard factual lists helpful and even…enjoyable. :)

Arts - Visual

Arts - Music



History - United States

History - World

Language Arts

Languages - World

Literature, Stories, Poetry



