Maybe the youth aren't the ones gone wild (a Tuesday).
EDUCATION, SUMMARY, ELAJoseph Longhomeschool, school 2023-24, politics, 2024, subject-government, culture & society, teaching, day-Tuesday, Jonny Long
The Russian Revolution: Ten Things to Know.
American History : Cheat Sheet #1 (Revolution to Civil War).
HISTORYJoseph Longhistory-American history, 1700s, politics, 1400s, cheat sheet, very short version, 1800s, inventions, conflict, controversy
American History : American Revolution part I.
Five very brief thoughts on the Amy Coney Barrett confirmation hearings.
ASON : Back in the saddle (22 snippets about 45's health).
Presidential debate #1 : 22 thoughts and predictions.
Trump versus infectious diseases.
Mini-bio : Julius Caesar.