Trump versus infectious diseases.

Trump versus infectious diseases: science, evidence, politics

Today marks the day that Trump goes public with his campaign to remove Anthony Fauci from relevance, importance, or standing in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.

Fauci, America’s top infectious disease expert, testified yesterday about his concerns, based in science and evidence, of the mass reopening of business as usual.

Trump is raring at the bit for anything to aid in his reelection. That means doing anything and everything possible to get the economy going fast.

The economy needs to get going. But Fauci is warning of the health dangers in reopening too soon.

And Trump does not do well being undermined. By anyone or anything.

Including by science. Including by one of the world’s top infectious disease experts.

The pattern Trump has set, over and over again, is beginning his scorched earth campaign against someone by testing out verbiage to see whether it gains traction.

It’s gaining traction. Amongst his base.

Here we go.

Also, there is a “film” going around that bills itself as a big expose against the pandemic. And science in general. I’m not going to help it out in any way by providing a link for you to click on, or even the title. But if you want a starting point for reading why you shouldn’t waste your time taking it as any level of seriousness or documentary…or especially wasting your time by watching it - then here’s a couple links to get started.

Was a Scientist Jailed After Discovering a Deadly Virus Delivered Through Vaccines?

An antivax conspiracy theorist becomes a COVID-19 grifter

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