30 observations and ideas for teaching a Middle School Science class.
The crumbly truth of stepping in for one another.
Warning: you might start to like math!
The surprising benefits of celebrating your anniversary in this manner.
Six thoughts on a first day of school.
A Wednesday : Saul, integers, bugs, micro-snippets, Etsy, The Great War, ee cummings.
A Friday : Love, robots, London, World War Z, Haruki Murakami, The Great War, ad hoc rituals, white blood cells of culture
Astronomy, part VIII : Smart people.
A Wednesday : Xavier's Spirit Bird, mathematics samples, The Watcher, outdoor kitchens, MagdelanaMade.
Astronomy, part VII : Formation of our solar system.
Astronomy, part VI : Origins.
A Wednesday : Straw man fallacies, Jesus, Hegel, wood blocks, Colin Farrell.
Astronomy, part V : Galaxies.
A Wednesday : My impatience, Zoroastrianism, A Winter’s Tale, Barba tenus sapientes, No True Scotsman.
Astronomy, part IV : Stars.
The Life of Earth : a very short version, according to science.
A Friday : Diaper changing, libraries, chocolate muffins, sunshine reading, parking lot art.
Astronomy, part III : Moon.
Astronomy, part II : Sun-Earth-Moon.
Ancient History : Cheat Sheet.