Gardner's multiple intelligences.
a list of Gardner’s multiple intelligences
Howard Gardner, a distinguished fellow developed a popular approach to learning earlier this century that was built around the idea that because people learn in different ways, whatever material you’re teaching should be presented in multiple ways.
There’s various points, counterpoints, controversies, and word choices to kickstart a good conversation about this. Here’s a list of the nine intelligences (he originally developed six).
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
Adept at controlling the body and able to handle physical objects with skill and dexterity.
Willingness and capacity to examine big meta questions about human existence.
Ability to be in tune with the moods and feelings of others and respond appropriately.
High degree of self-awareness and ability to examine and understand their own inner feelings, beliefs, and thought processes.
People who are think well in concepts and abstractions and are good at spotting patterns.
Ability to create, produce, and recognize the elements that make up music, such as rhythm and pitch.
Ability to recognize flora and fauna and other elements out in nature
Visualizes well and thinks in terms of images and pictures
Skilled with words, including their meanings, context, and sounds.
Which ones do you identify with most?