ancient history : Greece
Chapter 10 : LEGACY.
Even though Ancient Greece disappeared over 1,500 years ago, its ideas continue to profoundly impact (Western) society today. Ancient Greeks were intensely curious and extremely inventive and creative.
They introduced the world to all kinds of new ideas about art, literature and science.
They believed strongly in the dignity and worth of the individual. Even though they had slaves, they laid the groundwork for democracy and human rights.
First, they impacted Rome. Romans borrowed Greek religious ideas, art, architecture, literature, philosophical concepts, and much more. When Roman civilization died, Europe was left to be a patchwork of tiny, backward kingdoms. Early on, while they were trying to form their own cultural identities, they borrowed many ideas from the Romans. Without knowing it, they also absorbed many ideas from the Greeks.
These ideas worked their way into Western culture. We see their ideas everywhere - banks, government buildings with their rows of columns in front - straight from Classical Greek temple architecture.
When we vote and listen to speeches, we carry on those ideas.
When athletes compete, they carry on many traditions founded in Greek sports.
When we watch actors in the theatre or on television, it’s from Greek theater long ago.
Physicians still swear by the Hippocratic oath.
On and on and on: biology, astronomy, physics, botany, atomic theory, Earth revolving around sun, alphabet, novels, history books, lawsuits, jury trials, civil liberties…
“Future Ages Will Wonder At Us, As The Present Age Wonders At Us Now.”
Ancient Greece Chapters
1 Introduction to Greece
2 The Classical Age
3 The Persian Invasions
4 Greek philosophy
5 The Peloponnesian War(s)
6 Macedonia
7 The Hellenistic Age
8 Rome
9 Decline and downfall
10 Legacy